Things what I have learned this week:
- My boots aren't as waterproof as I originally believed (damn you Jones the Bootmaker). However, they make satisfying squelchy noises.
- My umbrella (pilfered from my brother in law, possibly - I found it in the back of our car) is useless (karma? Probably)
- Auckland's definition of a seriously cold winter is laughable, but the breeze coming in my office window on the 21st floor is a disturbing wretch, tickling the sides of my neck.
- My husband's version of sleep talk/walk can only be batted off with a firm slap in the chest (last night, he was insisting on tickling me and cackling in a way I've never heard before. After I pushed him off with a slap, he knocked the lamp into the bed and was surprised to find it there several hours later. He remembers neither of those episodes this morning.)
- If you think you don't NEED the Milky Bar but you WANT the Milky Bar you will REGRET the Milky Bar
- $50 high heels will scuff on the first wear, badly. That is why you should spend more than $50 (don't worry, I'm taking them back and will no doubt replace them with...another $50 pair.)
- Don't scratch it. Just, don't. OK?
- New tights are the business.
- Mums are the best.
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